Garden on the Wall LLC

Garden on the Wall, LLC - Sustainable, Maintenance-Free Gardens

Based in Livingston, New Jersey, Garden on the Wall, LLC, is an indoor vertical garden supplier that creates installations made with all-natural preserved plants. Long-lasting and maintenance-free, these gardens require no water and look fresh and vibrant for between 7 and 10 years. Garden on the Wall, LLC, maintains several sustainability credentials, such as a published Health Product Declaration and numerous credit contributions for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) v4.1 projects. The company’s installations conform to Well Building Standard requirements and Healthy Hospitals Initiative requirements. It also created the first wall garden system to be listed in the mindful MATERIALS database.

Garden on the Wall, LLC, has installed over 1200 gardens all over the country by its own installation teams. All Garden on the Wall, LLC installation team members are Art Major personnel with sculpting experience to make sure the best outlook is achieved during the installation and touch up process. Garden on the Wall installations can be on a vertical level as well as on a horizontal level. As of June 2022, Garden on the Wall, LLC has covered over 148,000 sqf garden area in 42 States. To see Garden on the Wall, LLC projects, visit

Garden on the Wall LLC

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Garden on the Wall
30 Wychwood Road
Livingston, NJ US